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A Brief History of Football in the 20th Century


20 世纪是足球史上的转折时期。 这项运动经历了显着的发展和普及,成为全世界数百万人喜爱的消遣方式。 促成这项运动兴起的一些关键因素包括职业联赛的发展、国际比赛的发展以及传奇球员的出现。

The 20th century was a pivotal time in the history of football. The sport experienced significant growth and popularity, becoming a beloved pastime for millions of people around the world. Some of the key factors that contributed to the sport's rise include the development of professional leagues, the growth of international competitions, and the emergence of legendary players.

在这个时代,足球不仅是一项运动,更是一种文化力量。 它反映了社会的价值观和愿望,以及社会的挑战和冲突。 这项运动将人们聚集在一起,培养了社区意识和民族自豪感。 它还在塑造更广泛的社会、文化和政治变革方面发挥了作用,例如民族主义的兴起、消费文化的发展和全球化的传播。

During this era, football was not only a sport but also a cultural force. It reflected the values and aspirations of society, as well as its challenges and conflicts. The sport brought people together, fostering a sense of community and national pride. It also played a role in shaping broader social, cultural, and political changes, such as the rise of nationalism, the growth of consumer culture, and the spread of globalization.

足球也是许多人灵感和希望的源泉。 这项运动为个人表达和创造力提供了平台,也为人们摆脱日常生活的困难提供了一种方式。 它激励了无数人追求梦想、追求卓越,也为困难时期提供了慰藉和欢乐的源泉。

Football was also a source of inspiration and hope for many people. The sport provided a platform for individual expression and creativity, as well as a means for people to escape from the difficulties of everyday life. It inspired countless people to pursue their dreams and strive for excellence, and it also provided a source of comfort and joy in difficult times.

简而言之,20 世纪是足球史上的变革时期,这项运动在塑造世界和反映这一时期发生的变化方面发挥了重要作用。

In short, the 20th century was a transformative period in the history of football, and the sport played a significant role in shaping the world and reflecting the changes that took place during this time.

本文的目的是全面概述 20 世纪的足球及其对世界的影响。 这本文将审视这一时期塑造这项运动的关键事件、球员和球队,以及这些发展发生的更广泛的社会、文化和政治背景。

The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of 20th century football and its impact on the world. This article will examine the key events, players, and teams that shaped the sport during this period, as well as the broader social, cultural, and political context in which these developments took place.

读者可以期待了解足球的演变,包括职业联赛的成长、国际赛事的设立以及传奇球员的崛起。 该书还将深入探讨足球的社会和文化意义,探索这项运动如何反映和塑造更广泛的社会趋势和变化。

The reader can expect to learn about the evolution of football, including the growth of professional leagues, the establishment of international competitions, and the rise of legendary players. This article will also delve into the social and cultural significance of football, exploring how the sport reflected and shaped broader trends and changes in society.

这本文将为任何对足球及其历史感兴趣的人以及那些寻求了解这项运动对世界的更广泛影响的人提供丰富的信息。 这本文将以通俗易懂且引人入胜的风格编写,使其成为学者、学生和普通读者的宝贵资源。

This article will provide a wealth of information for anyone interested in football and its history, as well as for those who seek to understand the broader impact of the sport on the world. This article will be written in an accessible and engaging style, making it a valuable resource for scholars, students, and general readers alike.

无论您是狂热的足球迷,还是只是对这项运动的历史和文化意义感兴趣,本文都将为您提供有关 20 世纪足球及其对世界影响的信息丰富且引人入胜的视角。

Whether you are a passionate football fan or simply interested in the history and cultural significance of the sport, this book will provide an informative and engaging look at 20th century football and its impact on the world.

足球有着悠久而丰富的历史,几个世纪以来,世界各地都有各种形式的比赛。 然而,这项运动的现代版本于 19 世纪在英国发展起来,并迅速传播到其他国家。

Football has a long and rich history, with various forms of the game being played for centuries in different parts of the world. However, the modern version of the sport evolved in England in the 19th century and quickly spread to other countries.

20 世纪标志着足球历史的转折点,因为这项运动发生了重大变化,变得更加有组织和专业化。 这一时期见证了世界杯、欧洲杯等国际赛事的创立,职业联赛的成长和传奇球员的涌现。

The 20th century marked a turning point in the history of football, as the sport underwent significant changes and became more organized and professionalized. This period saw the establishment of international competitions such as the World Cup and the European Cup, as well as the growth of professional leagues and the emergence of legendary players.

足球还在塑造更广泛的社会、文化和政治变革方面发挥了作用。 这项运动被用作促进民族主义和文化认同的手段,以及政治和社会抗议的平台。 同时,足球也反映了更广泛的社会和文化趋势,例如消费文化的兴起、全球化的发展和大众媒体的传播。

Football also played a role in shaping broader social, cultural, and political changes. The sport was used as a means of promoting nationalism and cultural identity, as well as a platform for political and social protest. At the same time, football was also a reflection of broader social and cultural trends, such as the rise of consumer culture, the growth of globalization, and the spread of mass media.

在整个 20 世纪,足球不断发展并越来越受欢迎,成为一种真正的全球现象,也是世界上最受欢迎和最广泛关注的运动之一。 今天,足球仍然是一种重要的文化力量,反映了社会的价值观和愿望,为全世界数百万人提供了灵感、希望和快乐的源泉。

Throughout the 20th century, football continued to evolve and grow in popularity, becoming a truly global phenomenon and one of the most beloved and widely-followed sports in the world. Today, football remains an important cultural force, reflecting the values and aspirations of society and providing a source of inspiration, hope, and joy for millions of people around the world.

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二、足球黄金时代The Golden Age of Football (1900-1940)

这项运动的兴起及其受欢迎程度Rise of the sport and its popularity

20 世纪上半叶,随着这项运动变得更加有组织、专业化并被世界各地的社区和国家广泛接受,足球的受欢迎程度显着增加。

The first half of the 20th century saw a significant increase in the popularity of football, as the sport became more organized, professionalized, and widely embraced by communities and countries around the world.

职业联赛的建立和国际比赛的发展帮助提高了这项运动的知名度和影响力。 大众媒体的兴起进一步促进了这一点,因为报纸、广播和最终的电视帮助传播了这项运动的知名度,并将其带入了数百万人的家中。

The establishment of professional leagues and the growth of international competitions helped increase the sport's profile and reach. This was further aided by the rise of mass media, as newspapers, radio, and eventually television helped spread the sport's popularity and bring it into the homes of millions of people.

随着足球受到越来越广泛的关注和喜爱,它也成为民族自豪感、文化认同和社会互动的重要来源。 这项运动受到各种背景和阶层的社区的欢迎,它让人们聚在一起分享他们对这项运动的热情。

As football became more widely followed and loved, it also became an important source of national pride, cultural identity, and social interaction. The sport was embraced by communities of all backgrounds and classes, and it brought people together to share their passion for the game.

这项运动在 20 世纪上半叶的兴起和流行为这项运动在随后几十年的发展和成功奠定了基础,并帮助将足球确立为世界上最受欢迎和最广泛关注的运动之一。

The rise of the sport and its popularity in the first half of the 20th century laid the foundation for the sport's growth and success in the decades that followed, and it helped establish football as one of the most beloved and widely followed sports in the world.

那个时代的主要球员和球队Key players and teams of the era

足球黄金时代的标志是一些这项运动最伟大和最有影响力的球员的出现。 这些球员以其非凡的技术、非凡的成就和鼓舞人心的个性吸引了球迷。

The Golden Age of Football was marked by the emergence of some of the sport's greatest and most influential players. These players captivated fans with their exceptional skills, remarkable achievements, and inspiring personalities.

这个时代一些最著名的球员包括斯坦利·马修斯、吉米·麦克格罗里和亚历克斯·詹姆斯,他们是第一批家喻户晓的足球运动员,并激励了一代球迷。 这些球员为技术和卓越树立了新标准,他们仍然是这项运动历史上最著名和最受尊敬的人物之一。

Some of the most notable players of the era include Stanley Matthews, Jimmy McGrory, and Alex James, who were among the first footballers to become household names and inspire a generation of fans. These players set new standards for skill and excellence, and they remain some of the most celebrated and revered figures in the history of the sport.

在此期间,球队也崭露头角,一些最成功和最著名的球队包括阿森纳、阿斯顿维拉和桑德兰。 这些球队在国内联赛中称霸,并在国际舞台上崭露头角,赢得了世界上最好的球队之一的美誉。

Teams also rose to prominence during this period, with some of the most successful and celebrated teams including Arsenal, Aston Villa, and Sunderland. These teams dominated the domestic leagues and made their mark on the international stage, earning a reputation as some of the best teams in the world.

这些关键球员和球队的成就和遗产帮助定义了足球的黄金时代,他们对这项运动的影响至今仍在继续。 他们为后代的足球运动员树立了标准,并激发了对这项运动的热爱和热情,这种热爱和热情一如既往地强烈。

The achievements and legacies of these key players and teams helped to define the Golden Age of Football, and their impact on the sport continues to be felt today. They set the standard for future generations of footballers and inspired a love and passion for the sport that remains as strong as ever.

第一次世界大战对这项运动的影响The impact of World War I on the sport


World War I had a profound impact on the sport of football, as the conflict brought the sport to a halt and disrupted the lives of many footballers who were called upon to serve their countries.

许多这项运动的顶级运动员被征召入伍,许多人在冲突中丧生。 战争也对这项运动产生了持久的影响,因为它导致许多比赛和比赛被推迟,并造成广泛的经济困难,影响了这项运动的财政和稳定。

Many of the sport's top players were drafted into the military, and many lost their lives in the conflict. The war also had a lasting impact on the sport, as it led to the postponement of many matches and competitions, and it caused widespread economic hardship that impacted the sport's finances and stability.

尽管战争带来了挑战,但足球运动坚持了下来,并继续为全世界数百万人所踢球和享受。 事实上,这项运动在冲突期间被视为安慰、分散注意力和鼓舞人心的源泉,它有助于振奋那些受战争影响的人的精神。

Despite the challenges posed by the war, the sport of football persisted, and it continued to be played and enjoyed by millions of people around the world. In fact, the sport was embraced as a source of comfort, distraction, and inspiration during the conflict, and it helped to lift the spirits of those who were impacted by the war.

第一次世界大战对足球运动的影响提醒人们,这项运动的韧性及其在逆境中将人们团结在一起的能力。 它还为这项运动在随后几年的发展和成功奠定了基础,因为这项运动以新的力量和目标从冲突中脱颖而出。

The impact of World War I on the sport of football serves as a reminder of the sport's resilience and its ability to bring people together in the face of adversity. It also helped to lay the foundation for the sport's growth and success in the years that followed, as the sport emerged from the conflict with renewed strength and purpose.

著名事件和比赛Notable events and competitions


The Golden Age of Football was marked by a number of notable events and competitions that helped to define the era and shape the sport's history.

那个时代最重要的比赛之一是世界杯,它于 1930 年首次举办,并迅速成为这项运动中最重要的国际赛事。 世界杯汇集了来自世界各地的最佳球队,为球迷们展示了这项运动中最有才华的球员和激动人心的比赛。

One of the most important competitions of the era was the World Cup, which was first held in 1930 and quickly established itself as the premier international tournament in the sport. The World Cup brought together the best teams from around the world and provided fans with a showcase of the sport's most talented players and exciting matches.

那个时代的另一个著名事件是英国主场锦标赛,这项比赛汇集了来自英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的最佳球队。 这场比赛是体育日历中的重要赛事,有助于确立国际比赛在这项运动中的重要性。

Another notable event of the era was the British Home Championship, a tournament that brought together the best teams from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. This competition was a key event in the sporting calendar and helped to establish the importance of international competitions in the sport.

除了这些重大比赛之外,足球黄金时代还出现了许多其他令人难忘的事件,包括首次对足球比赛进行无线电直播、足总杯崛起成为这项运动中最负盛名的赛事之一,以及 阿森纳和阿斯顿维拉等传奇球队的出现。

In addition to these major competitions, the Golden Age of Football was also marked by a number of other memorable events, including the first live radio broadcasts of football matches, the rise of the FA Cup as one of the sport's most prestigious tournaments, and the emergence of legendary teams such as Arsenal and Aston Villa.


These events and competitions helped to define the Golden Age of Football and shaped the sport's history, making it an era that remains revered and celebrated to this day.

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三、战后足球Post-War Football (1940-1960)

足球的恢复和发展The recovery and growth of football

二战结束后,足球运动经历了一段恢复和发展的时期,因为它从冲突中脱颖而出,比以往任何时候都更加强大和流行。 战争对这项运动产生了深远的影响,因为许多球员和俱乐部都失踪了,体育场馆和设施遭到破坏或毁坏。 尽管面临这些挑战,这项运动还是能够迅速恢复,因为人们对这项运动的热爱和回归常态的愿望帮助推动了它的发展。

After the end of World War II, the sport of football experienced a period of recovery and growth, as it emerged from the conflict stronger and more popular than ever before. The war had a profound impact on the sport, as many players and clubs were lost, and stadiums and facilities were damaged or destroyed. Despite these challenges, the sport was able to recover quickly, as the people's love for the game and the desire to return to a sense of normalcy helped to drive its growth.

在此期间,随着俱乐部和管理机构对这项运动的投资并努力促进其发展,这项运动在设施、基础设施和组织方面有了显着改善。 这项运动还见证了电视和广播等新技术的引入,这有助于扩大这项运动的影响范围,让世界各地的球迷更容易接触到这项运动。

During this period, the sport saw significant improvements in facilities, infrastructure, and organization, as clubs and governing bodies invested in the sport and worked to promote its growth. The sport also saw the introduction of new technologies, such as television and broadcasting, which helped to expand the sport's reach and make it more accessible to fans around the world.

此外,随着职业联赛的成立和职业球员的出现,这项运动在这一时期变得更加专业。 这有助于推动这项运动的竞争力,吸引更多有才华的球员,提高比赛水平和这项运动的知名度。

In addition, the sport became more professional during this period, with the establishment of professional leagues and the emergence of professional players. This helped to drive the sport's competitiveness and bring in more talented players, raising the level of play and the popularity of the sport.


The post-war period was a time of great progress and growth for the sport of football, as it emerged from the war stronger and more popular than ever before, and laid the foundation for a new era of success and excellence.

职业联赛和球员的兴起The rise of professional leagues and players

战后时期,足球运动出现了职业联赛和球员的兴起,带动了这项运动的竞争力和知名度。 随着这项运动的发展和知名度的提高,许多俱乐部和管理机构开始意识到经济收益的潜力,并开始投资这项运动。

During the post-war period, the sport of football saw the rise of professional leagues and players, which helped to drive the sport's competitiveness and popularity. With the growth of the sport and its increased visibility, many clubs and governing bodies began to realize the potential for financial gain and started investing in the sport.

这项投资促成了职业联赛的建立,为最优秀的球员提供了一个相互竞争并向世界展示技能的平台。 这些联赛的建立也有助于提高比赛水平,因为球队能够吸引和留住最优秀的球员,并为他们的球员提供更好的设施和支持。

This investment led to the establishment of professional leagues, which provided a platform for the best players to compete against each other and showcase their skills to the world. The establishment of these leagues also helped to raise the level of play, as teams were able to attract and retain the best players, and provide better facilities and support for their players.

随着这项运动的普及和比赛水平的提高,这项运动也见证了职业球员的出现,他们能够凭借自己的天赋和对比赛的热情谋生。 这些球员帮助提高了这项运动的知名度并吸引了更多的球迷,因为他们非凡的技能和成就吸引了全世界球迷的想象力。

As the sport grew in popularity and the level of play improved, the sport also saw the emergence of professional players, who were able to earn a living from their talent and passion for the game. These players helped to raise the profile of the sport and bring in more fans, as their exceptional skills and achievements captured the imagination of fans around the world.

职业联赛和球员的兴起是这项运动在战后时期发展和成功的关键因素,因为它有助于推动这项运动的竞争力和普及,并为卓越和卓越的新时代奠定基础。 成就。

The rise of professional leagues and players was a key factor in the growth and success of the sport during the post-war period, as it helped to drive the competitiveness and popularity of the sport, and lay the foundation for a new era of excellence and achievement.

时代的主要球员和球队Key players and teams of the era

战后时期是足球运动发生巨大变化和进步的时期,出现了许多有才华的球员和成功的球队。 这个时代的一些主要参与者和团队包括:

The post-war period was a time of great change and progress for the sport of football, and it was marked by the emergence of many talented players and successful teams. Some of the key players and teams of this era include:


Stanley Matthews: A legendary English winger who played for Stoke City and Blackpool, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.


Ferenc Puskás: A Hungarian forward who played for Real Madrid and the Hungarian national team, and is considered one of the greatest goal-scorers of all time.

本菲卡:一家葡萄牙俱乐部,在 1950 年代和 60 年代称霸欧洲俱乐部,多次赢得欧洲杯冠军并培养出许多才华横溢的球员。

Benfica: A Portuguese club that dominated the European club scene in the 1950s and 1960s, winning several European Cup titles and producing many talented players.

AC 米兰:一家在 1950 年代和 1960 年代崛起的意大利俱乐部,赢得了多个意甲联赛冠军,并确立了自己作为欧洲顶级俱乐部之一的地位。

AC Milan: An Italian club that rose to prominence in the 1950s and 1960s, winning several Serie A titles and establishing itself as one of the top clubs in Europe.

皇家马德里:一家西班牙俱乐部,在 1950 年代和 60 年代统治着欧洲俱乐部,赢得了多项欧洲杯冠军,并确立了自己作为世界顶级俱乐部之一的地位。

Real Madrid: A Spanish club that dominated the European club scene in the 1950s and 1960s, winning several European Cup titles and establishing itself as one of the top clubs in the world.


These players and teams helped to define the post-war period and set the stage for the future success of the sport, as they displayed exceptional skills and determination, and captivated fans around the world with their achievements.

冷战对这项运动的影响The impact of the Cold War on the sport

冷战是战后时期的标志性事件,对足球运动产生了重大影响。 西方大国与东方集团之间的竞争导致了包括体育在内的许多领域的政治紧张和竞争。

The Cold War was a defining event of the post-war period, and it had a significant impact on the sport of football. The rivalry between the Western powers and the Eastern bloc led to political tensions and competition in many areas, including sports.

在足球运动中,冷战表现为东西方之间的政治紧张和竞争。 这种竞争在国际比赛中尤为明显,例如世界杯,东方集团国家和西方大国在高度紧张和充满政治色彩的比赛中相互对抗。

In the sport of football, the Cold War manifested itself in the form of political tensions and competition between the East and West. The rivalry was especially evident in international competitions, such as the World Cup, where the Eastern bloc countries and the Western powers faced off against each other in highly charged and politically charged matches.

冷战也影响了球员的转会,许多来自东方集团国家的天才球员投奔西方,以寻求更好的机会和更宽松的政治氛围。 这导致人才从东方转移到西方,这有助于提高西方的比赛水平,进一步确立其在这项运动中的统治地位。

The Cold War also influenced the transfer of players, as many talented players from Eastern bloc countries defected to the West in search of better opportunities and a more relaxed political climate. This led to a transfer of talent from the East to the West, which helped to raise the level of play in the West and further establish its dominance in the sport.


In conclusion, the Cold War had a profound impact on the sport of football, shaping the political landscape and influencing the transfer of talent, competition, and international relations within the sport.

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四、足球的扩张The Expansion of Football (1960-1980)

这项运动的发展和流行The growth and popularity of the sport

在 1960 年代和 70 年代,随着足球在世界范围内越来越被接受和广泛追随,足球的流行度持续增长。 在此期间,职业联赛和比赛继续发展壮大,吸引了更多的人群,并为这项运动带来了更大的投资。

The 1960s and 1970s saw a continued growth in the popularity of football, as it became increasingly accepted and widely followed around the world. During this period, professional leagues and competitions continued to develop and grow, attracting larger crowds and generating greater investment in the sport.

此外,这项运动的日益普及导致了新俱乐部和球队的发展,以及现有联赛和比赛的扩大。 这种扩展允许这项运动更加多样化和竞争,因为来自不同国家和地区的团队能够相互竞争并展示他们的技能。

Additionally, the increased popularity of the sport led to the development of new clubs and teams, as well as the expansion of existing leagues and competitions. This expansion allowed for greater diversity and competition within the sport, as teams from different countries and regions were able to compete against each other and showcase their skills.

这一时期足球的发展也受到技术进步的推动,因为新的创新和进步有助于提高比赛质量,增加球迷参与度,并使这项运动更容易为更广泛的观众所接受。 这些进步包括引入新的训练方法和设备,以及使用电视和其他媒体来宣传和广播这项运动。

The growth of football during this period was also driven by improvements in technology, as new innovations and advancements helped to improve the quality of play, increase fan engagement, and make the sport more accessible to a wider audience. These advancements included the introduction of new training methods and equipment, as well as the use of television and other media to promote and broadcast the sport.

总的来说,足球在 1960 年代和 70 年代的发展和普及帮助这项运动成为一种主要的国际现象,并为未来几年的持续发展和成功奠定了基础。

Overall, the growth and popularity of football during the 1960s and 1970s helped to establish the sport as a major international phenomenon, and set the stage for continued growth and success in the years to come.

电视对这项运动的影响The impact of television on the sport

电视在 1960 年代和 70 年代对足球的发展和普及产生了深远的影响。 随着这项技术变得越来越普及和负担得起,它使这项运动能够更多地接触和接触到更广泛的观众。 这反过来又有助于提高人们对这项运动的兴趣,并增加转播权的价值和这项运动产生的收入。

Television had a profound impact on the growth and popularity of football during the 1960s and 1970s. As the technology became more widely available and affordable, it allowed for greater exposure and accessibility of the sport to a wider audience. This in turn helped to drive greater interest in the sport, as well as increasing the value of broadcasting rights and the revenue generated by the sport.

电视还可以直播比赛和精彩集锦,让球迷足不出户就可以关注他们最喜欢的球队和球员。 这种增加的曝光率有助于建立更大的支持和粉丝参与度,并有助于吸引新的粉丝和观众参与这项运动。

Television also allowed for the broadcast of live games and highlights, which allowed fans to follow their favorite teams and players from the comfort of their own homes. This increased exposure helped to build greater support and fan engagement, as well as helping to attract new fans and audiences to the sport.


Additionally, television allowed for the introduction of new broadcasting technologies and innovations, such as instant replay, slow-motion analysis, and on-screen graphics, which helped to enhance the viewing experience for fans and provide greater insight into the sport.

总而言之,电视在 1960 年代和 70 年代对足球的影响是巨大的,有助于推动这项运动的发展和普及,并为未来几年的持续成功和扩张奠定基础。

In summary, the impact of television on football during the 1960s and 1970s was significant, helping to drive the growth and popularity of the sport, and providing a foundation for continued success and expansion in the years to come.

那个时代的主要球员和球队Key players and teams of the era

1960 年代和 70 年代出现了一些有史以来最伟大的足球运动员和球队。 在此期间,几位传奇球员确立了自己的超级巨星地位,并帮助定义了这项运动及其比赛风格。

The 1960s and 1970s saw the emergence of some of the greatest football players and teams of all time. During this period, several legendary players established themselves as superstars, and helped to define the sport and its style of play.

这个时代的一些重要球员包括贝利、约翰·克鲁伊夫、尤西比奥、乔治·贝斯特和弗朗茨·贝肯鲍尔,他们都以技术、天赋和对这项运动的影响而闻名。 这些球员帮助将这项运动提升到了新的高度,他们的表现激励了无数球迷和后代球员。

Some of the key players of the era included Pelé, Johan Cruyff, Eusébio, George Best, and Franz Beckenbauer, all of whom were renowned for their skills, flair, and impact on the sport. These players helped to elevate the sport to new heights, and their performances inspired countless fans and future generations of players.

除了个人球员,几支球队也在这一时期崛起为主导力量。 曼联、拜仁慕尼黑、AC 米兰和阿贾克斯阿姆斯特丹等球队以其成功和比赛风格而闻名,并帮助这项运动成为一种主要的国际现象。

In addition to individual players, several teams also emerged as dominant forces during this period. Teams such as Manchester United, Bayern Munich, AC Milan, and Ajax Amsterdam became known for their success and style of play, and helped to establish the sport as a major international phenomenon.

总体而言,1960 年代和 1970 年代的主要球员和球队帮助塑造了这项运动及其遗产,今天的球迷和爱好者继续庆祝和铭记他们的贡献。

Overall, the key players and teams of the 1960s and 1970s helped to shape the sport and its legacy, and their contributions continue to be celebrated and remembered by fans and enthusiasts today.

著名的赛事和比赛Notable events and competitions

在 1960 年至 1980 年足球运动的扩张期间,有许多著名的赛事和比赛帮助塑造了这项运动及其遗产。

During the expansion of football from 1960 to 1980, there were numerous notable events and competitions that helped to shape the sport and its legacy.

最重要的赛事之一是世界杯,它继续每四年举行一次,来自世界各地的最佳球队争夺世界冠军头衔。 在这个时代,发生了一些最令人难忘的世界杯时刻,例如英格兰队在 1966 年的胜利,这是该国迄今为止第一次也是唯一一次赢得世界杯冠军。

One of the most significant was the World Cup, which continued to be held every four years and saw the best teams from around the world compete for the title of world champion. During this era, some of the most memorable World Cup moments occurred, such as England's 1966 victory, which was the country's first and only World Cup win to date.

另一个重要的比赛是欧洲杯/欧洲冠军联赛,它汇集了欧洲最好的俱乐部球队,争夺欧洲冠军头衔。 在这场比赛中,几家传奇俱乐部和球员参加了比赛,例如皇家马德里、AC 米兰和利物浦,他们在 1977 年赢得了他们的第一个欧洲杯。

Another significant competition was the European Cup/UEFA Champions League, which brought together the best club teams from across Europe to compete for the title of European champion. This competition saw several legendary clubs and players compete, such as Real Madrid, AC Milan, and Liverpool, who won their first European Cup in 1977.


Domestic leagues and cup competitions also continued to thrive during this period, providing fans with exciting and competitive matches on a regular basis.

总之,1960 年代和 1970 年代的著名赛事和比赛帮助进一步发展和确立了足球作为一项主要国际运动的地位,并巩固了它作为全世界数百万球迷喜爱的消遣活动的地位。

In conclusion, the notable events and competitions of the 1960s and 1970s helped to further grow and establish football as a major international sport and cement its status as a beloved pastime for millions of fans around the world.

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五、足球全球化The Globalization of Football (1980-2000)

足球运动向新地区的传播The spread of the sport to new regions

20 世纪 80 年代和 90 年代,足球运动在全球范围内显着扩张,这项运动向新的地区和国家传播,例如亚洲、非洲和南美洲。 在这些地区,建立了新的职业联赛、俱乐部和比赛,从而增加了对这项运动的投资和发展。 这项运动的扩张是由多种因素推动的,包括国际贸易的增长、媒体和广播覆盖范围的增加,以及这项运动作为一种全球现象的流行。

The 1980s and 1990s saw a significant expansion of the sport of football globally, with the sport spreading to new regions and countries, such as Asia, Africa, and South America. In these regions, new professional leagues, clubs, and competitions were established, leading to increased investment and development in the sport. This expansion of the sport was driven by several factors, including the growth of international trade, the increased availability of media and broadcast coverage, and the popularity of the sport as a global phenomenon.

这种扩张的一个例子是足球在亚洲的发展,这项运动在 1980 年代之前在亚洲还相对鲜为人知。 但随着日本J联赛、韩国K联赛、中超等新职业联赛和赛事的建立,这项运动在这些地区的知名度和参与度有了显着提高。

One example of this expansion was the growth of football in Asia, where the sport had been relatively unknown prior to the 1980s. However, with the establishment of new professional leagues and competitions, such as the J-League in Japan, the K-League in South Korea, and the Chinese Super League, the sport saw a significant increase in popularity and participation in these regions.

除了这项运动在亚洲的发展之外,1980 年代和 90 年代还见证了非洲足球的扩张,新的职业联赛和比赛的建立,例如 CAF 冠军联赛,它汇集了来自世界各地的最佳俱乐部球队 大陆争夺非洲冠军头衔。

In addition to the growth of the sport in Asia, the 1980s and 1990s also saw the expansion of football in Africa, with the establishment of new professional leagues and competitions, such as the CAF Champions League, which brought together the best club teams from around the continent to compete for the title of African champion.

总的来说,足球在 80 年代和 90 年代传播到新的地区是这项运动历史上的一个重要里程碑,并有助于将其确立为真正的全球现象。

Overall, the spread of football to new regions during the 1980s and 1990s was a significant milestone in the history of the sport, and helped to establish it as a truly global phenomenon.

国际比赛和球员的兴起The rise of international competitions and players

随着这项运动传播到新的地区和国家,80 和 90 年代国际比赛和球员显着增加。 这一时期,国际足联世界杯、欧洲杯、美洲杯等多项新的国际赛事诞生,汇集了世界各国最优秀的国家队,争夺世界冠军头衔。

With the spread of the sport to new regions and countries, the 1980s and 1990s saw a significant increase in international competitions and players. This period saw the establishment of several new international competitions, such as the FIFA World Cup, the UEFA European Championship, and the Copa America, which brought together the best national teams from around the world to compete for the title of world champion.

除了这些比赛之外,1980 年代和 90 年代还见证了国际球员的崛起,因为来自世界各地的才华横溢的球员都在寻求在这项运动中留下自己的印记。 这一时期出现了几位国际巨星,如迭戈马拉多纳、齐达内齐达内、罗纳尔多和莱昂内尔梅西,他们成为家喻户晓的人物,并帮助这项运动在全球普及。

In addition to these competitions, the 1980s and 1990s also saw the rise of international players, as talented players from around the world sought to make their mark in the sport. This period saw the emergence of several international superstars, such as Diego Maradona, Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldo, and Lionel Messi, who became household names and helped to popularize the sport globally.

国际比赛和球员的兴起是足球史上的一个重要里程碑,因为它有助于向更广泛的观众展示这项运动,并将来自世界各地的球迷聚集在一起庆祝他们共同的热情。 它还有助于提高这项运动的竞争力和声望,因为国家队和球员在最高水平上竞争以证明自己的价值并赢得世界最佳的认可。

The rise of international competitions and players was a significant milestone in the history of football, as it helped to showcase the sport to a wider audience and bring together fans from around the world to celebrate their shared passion. It also helped to raise the level of competitiveness and prestige of the sport, as national teams and players competed at the highest level to prove their worth and earn recognition as the best in the world.

时代的主要球员和球队Key players and teams of the era

1980 年代和 90 年代出现了几位对足球运动产生深远影响的主要球员和球队。 这个时代一些最著名的球员包括迭戈·马拉多纳、齐达内·齐达内、罗纳尔多和莱昂内尔·梅西,他们是第一批因其非凡的天赋和对这项运动的贡献而获得全球认可的球员。

The 1980s and 1990s saw the emergence of several key players and teams that left a lasting impact on the sport of football. Some of the most notable players of the era include Diego Maradona, Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldo, and Lionel Messi, who were among the first to achieve global recognition for their exceptional talent and contributions to the sport.

在球队方面,这一时期出现了利物浦、AC米兰、巴塞罗那、曼联等几支强队崛起,称霸了国内外赛场,推动了这项运动在世界范围内的普及。 这些球队以其才华横溢的球员、创新的战术和激动人心的比赛而闻名,这些比赛吸引了全世界球迷的想象力。

In terms of teams, this period saw the rise of several dominant sides, such as Liverpool, AC Milan, Barcelona, and Manchester United, who dominated the domestic and international scene and helped to popularize the sport around the world. These teams were known for their talented players, innovative tactics, and thrilling matches that captured the imagination of fans around the world.

此外,这个时代还出现了几种创新的比赛风格,例如荷兰国家队开发的全面足球方法,以及成为巴西国家队代名词的强调进攻比赛和娱乐性的比赛。 这些风格有助于提高这项运动的兴奋度和娱乐性,并启发了后代的球员和球迷。

Additionally, this era also saw the emergence of several new and innovative styles of play, such as the Total Football approach developed by the Dutch national team, and the emphasis on attacking play and entertainment that became synonymous with the Brazilian national team. These styles helped to raise the level of excitement and entertainment in the sport, and inspired future generations of players and fans.

总的来说,1980 年代和 1990 年代的主要球员和球队对足球运动产生了深远的影响,帮助将这项运动的知名度、竞争力和声望提升到新的高度,并为后代延续这项运动铺平了道路。

Overall, the key players and teams of the 1980s and 1990s had a profound impact on the sport of football, helping to bring it to new heights of popularity, competitiveness, and prestige, and paving the way for future generations to continue its legacy.

苏联解体对这项运动的影响The impact of the fall of the Soviet Union on the sport

1991 年苏联解体标志着足球全球化的一个重要转折点,因为它为这项运动在东欧及其他地区开辟了新的市场和机遇 .

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked a significant turning point in the globalization of football, as it opened up new markets and opportunities for the sport in Eastern Europe and beyond.

在苏联解体之前,足球运动主要局限于西欧和南美,在其他地区的曝光率和知名度有限。 但随着苏联的解体,俄罗斯、乌克兰等国家开始发展自己的国内联赛和国家队,并很快在国际舞台上确立了自己的竞争力。

Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the sport of football was largely confined to Western Europe and South America, with limited exposure and popularity in other regions. However, with the fall of the Soviet Union, countries such as Russia, Ukraine, and others began to develop their own domestic leagues and national teams, and soon established themselves as competitive forces on the international stage.

此外,随着俱乐部和国家队开始从这些新兴市场物色和签约球员,苏联解体也为球员发展和人才招募开辟了新途径。 这导致新人才和新观点涌入这项运动,并帮助这项运动进一步全球化和多样化。

Additionally, the fall of the Soviet Union also opened up new avenues for player development and talent recruitment, as clubs and national teams began to scout and sign players from these newly emerging markets. This led to a influx of new talent and fresh perspectives into the sport, and helped to further globalize and diversify the game.

总之,苏联解体在 20 世纪后期的足球全球化中发挥了重要作用,有助于将这项运动带到新的地区、市场和观众,并进一步扩大其在世界范围内的影响力和知名度。

In conclusion, the fall of the Soviet Union played a significant role in the globalization of football in the late 20th century, helping to bring the sport to new regions, markets, and audiences, and further expanding its reach and popularity around the world.

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1. As Fresh as a Daisy

2. The Primrose Path

3. Full of the joys of the Spring

4. Coming up Roses

5. In the Flower of sb's Youth


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樱花 Cherry Blossoms

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简介: 三月底,樱花开始绽放,花期通常会持续两周(樱花的花期只不过短短两周,如果雨水频频光顾,花期会更短)。微风徐来,樱花随风飘落,形成令人惊艳的“樱花雨”,成为可供拍照的浪漫景观。你可以在樱花树下野餐、烧烤,或者只是欣赏静静随风飘落的花瓣。


赏花胜地: 上海顾村公园樱花节、湖北武汉大学樱花园。除了传统赏花之外,还有一系列活动供游客参加,如:摄影大赛、文化展览等。园中樱花树种类多达28种,总计约4000棵,游客们可以沐浴在白色和粉红色的樱花海洋中。除此之外,大家也可以选择出国去日本东京上野公园、千鸟渊和京都清水寺、圆山公园赏樱。

赏花时间: 三月中旬到四月末。

From the end of March, cherry trees begin to blossom and their florescence usually lasts for two weeks(they fall to the ground and disappear in only a couple of weeks ,even sooner if the frequent rains wash them off the trees). With a little breeze, the cherry blossoms fall on the ground and create an amazing“cherry blossom rain” , which offers a romantic background for your photos. It’s a good choice to gather under flowering trees to enjoy picnics and barbeques, or just watch blossoms quietly falling in the wind.

in a typical cherry blossom festival (ohanami), families and friends gather under flowering trees to enjoy picnics, barbeques and tea ceremonies. sometimes the festival continues late into the night, with decorative electric lanterns hung in the trees for evening enjoyment. ohanami at night is called yozakura.

Where to go: Shanghai’s Gucun Park the cherry blossom festival ,Wuhan University,Japen.Except for traditional flower appreciation, a series of activities are held, such as a photography competition, blind dates, and culture exhibitions. With almost 4,000 cherry trees of 28 different varieties, visitors can bathe in a sea of millions of white and pink blossoms.

When to go: The Mid March to the late April.

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水仙花 Daffodils

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水仙花 Daffodils

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简介: 英国人酷爱水仙花。在英国诗人威廉•华兹华斯(1770-1850)的诗《我似流云天自游》中,我们可以看出这种球茎花带给他们的欢乐。诗人漫无目的地游走时,偶遇“一簇簇盛放的金色水仙”。这满眼“迎着微风翩翩起舞”的景象为诗人和英国民众带来了几个世纪的欢愉。


赏花圣地: 对于与今年3月15日到17日 的thriplow水仙节擦肩而过的游客们来说,英格兰中南部地区的科茨沃尔德 仍是一片赏心悦目的黄色花海。

赏花时间: 四月的前两周。

The british love daffodils. the joy that these bulbs bring them is demonstrated in the poem i wandered lonely as a cloud by british poet william wordsworth (1770-1850). as the poet wanders aimlessly, he stumbles across a “host of golden daffodils”. the sight of these flowers “fluttering and dancing in the breeze” has brought pleasure to the poet’s fellow countrymen and -women for centuries.

Every year in march, thousands of people across the country flock to daffodil festivals to admire the flower. the biggest daffodil festival in britain is held in the village of thriplow in south cambridgeshire, where the sweeping rows of daffodils paint the entire area a lush yellow.

Where to go: for those who missed this year’s thriplow daffodil festival, which ran from march 15 to 17, the cotswolds in south central england are still awash with cheerful yellow.

When to go: the first two weeks of april.

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郁金香 Tulips

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简介: 要说与花渊源最深的国家,最知名的要数郁金香之国——荷兰。郁金香最初于17世纪由亚洲传入荷兰,但在过去的几百年间,荷兰人给郁金香贴上了自己的标签。

赏花圣地: 据美国有线电视新闻网(cnn)报道称,荷兰的库肯霍夫公园 是全球最大的郁金香基地,这里拥有一百余个品种的郁金香,多达四百多万株,占地达32公顷。

赏花时间: 公园于每年三到五月 郁金香怒放时向游人开放。在“星光大道”上,能看到以虚构人物或真实名人而命名的郁金香,比如莫扎特,罗纳尔多甚至是狮子王。

One of the best-known flower-place connections has to be the netherlands and tulips. tulips were first introduced from asia in the 17th century, but over the centuries the dutch have made the flower their own.

The country’s keukenhof gardens is the largest tulip site in the world, with more than 4 million tulips in 100 varieties covering an area of 32 hectares, according to cnn.

The garden opens to visitors between march and may when the flowers reach perfection. on the “walk of fame” you can see tulips named after famous people, both non-fictional and fictional, such as mozart, ronaldo and even the lion king.

油菜花 Cole Flowers

c罗centuries 老白玩-你是真球迷吗?

c罗centuries 老白玩-你是真球迷吗?

c罗centuries 老白玩-你是真球迷吗?

c罗centuries 老白玩-你是真球迷吗?

c罗centuries 老白玩-你是真球迷吗?

简介: 如果春天随处可见的白、粉、紫色花朵已经令你产生审美疲劳,黄色的油菜花一定会让你眼前一亮。色彩鲜艳的油菜花田如同为大地铺了地毯。


赏花胜地: 陕西汉中 的油菜花早在2月底就已竞相绽放,而这一壮观的油菜花海将持续两个月的时间。今年当地还开展了旅游文化节,邀请游客前来欣赏这片“最漂亮的油菜花海”。记得要登上南郑县汉山山顶 ,那里可以拍到最美的景色。

赏花时间: 3月22日到4月。

If you are bored of white, pink and purple flowers everywhere in spring, the yellow cole flowers will refresh your eyes. Bright cole flowers in a field are like carpets covering the ground.

Due to different temperatures across the country, there are blooming cole flowers waiting for you to admire them from February to August.

Where to go: The cole flowers in Hanzhong, Shaanxi province, have been blossoming since late February and the magnificent sight will last for two months. A culture tourism festival has begun this year, inviting visitors to appreciate the “most beautiful sea of cole flowers”. Remember to climb to the top of Hanshan Mountain in Nanzheng county to take the best pictures.

When to go: March 22 to April.

c罗centuries 老白玩-你是真球迷吗?

好了,有关春日花卉鉴赏“路线图”先介绍到这里,除此之外,在春日之花还有桃花(Peach blossom )杏花(Apricot blossoms)、蓝钟花(Bluebell)、雪花莲(Snowdrop)、丁香花(Lilac)等等。同学们,你们还了解哪些春日花卉的英语呢?可以在下方留言,告诉小编哦!

c罗centuries 老白玩-你是真球迷吗?


As Fresh as a Daisy (像小雏菊一样新鲜) 荣光换发、精神饱满

The Primrose Path (报春花之路)追求享乐和安逸的生活

Full of the joys of the Spring 充满喜悦

Coming up Roses 一切进展顺利

In the Flower of sb's Youth 风华正茂之时
